Amun Retreat

Germany · Lower Bavaria · Unterdietfurt
Retreat house in a tranquil setting amidst expansive greenery
Exciting programme with yoga, meditation, and rituals
Vegan full board, mostly organic and raw food
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Experience profound inner peace and tranquility amidst expansive greenery

An extraordinary journey to self-discovery with Hatha Yoga, meditations, breathing exercises, silence, shamanic practices, and rituals. A time of community surrounded by magnificent nature.

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Adults only
Organic food
In nature
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Amun Retreat - Yoga, Meditation & Rituals

3 nights, three bed room, special meals
from £784

Amun Retreat in Detail

Your Yoga Journey

Connect with yourself, your fellow human beings, and Mother Earth. Feel within, through all the layers that prevent you from being in your power; only then will you find more peace and perceive life in all its facets, beauty, and intensity. This retreat guides you back to your strength, leading to more love and peace, allowing the wonders of life to be deeply felt and recognized. You will explore the influences of various traditions, such as those from the Far East, indigenous peoples, shamanism, and more contemporary practices. Most of your time during the retreat will be spent in silence, to connect more deeply with yourself and calm your thoughts. The work within this program rewards you with renewed courage for life. The combination of Ying and Yang - the feminine and masculine energies in the practices is very powerful and supports you in connecting holistically.

Look forward to a break filled with powerful activities: With Hatha Yoga, you achieve balance, strength, endurance, and relaxation. Breathing exercises release blockages and stimulate internal healing. Meditation practice leads to insights, peace, and silence. In the sacred space of silence, you calm your thoughts and gain deep insights. Fire rituals connect you with deep needs and desires. Ritualistic cacao opens your heart and connects you more deeply with your fellow human beings and nature. Lovingly prepared meals keep your energy high and support you in your process. You will feel the elements of nature while bathing in the cold stream and spending time in the forest. In sharing circles and singing circles, you create a special framework with the group, leading to a new kind of community, a loving and conscious togetherness full of deep connection.

Location & Surroundings

The retreat hotel is located approximately 62 miles east of Munich, nestled in a quiet and peaceful environment, right in the heart of nature. It is a wonderful place to recharge, embrace tranquility, and connect with nature. Streams, forests, meadows, and moors are nearby. On walks, you can spot rare bird species.

Dining & Leisure

You will be provided with lovingly prepared meals. Vegan, organic, mostly raw, to keep your energy levels high. You start the morning with ceremonial cacao and have two more communal meal times during the day, where you practice mindful eating. For in-between hunger, small snacks are prepared. Herbal tea from the garden and filtered water are available throughout the day.

Yoga Leadership

Daniel: "I have always been in search of a life filled with fulfillment, intensity, and connection. For me, it was clear that not what I have, where I am, or who I am with, but how I approach life would be the key. There were still many questions and much to learn, but neither teachers nor answers - so I set out on my own journey, to push my limits, to grow, to find clarity, strength, and happiness. I spent a lot of time in nature, engaged in sports, read philosophical books, and delved into practices from Taoism. In 2012, I began meditating, which remains a daily core of my routine. In 2014, I embarked on a nearly 2-year journey through Eastern Europe and Asia, a time full of adventures, where I could leave many fears behind and open my heart widely. During this time, I started practicing Hatha Yoga and attended my first Vipassana retreat in Thailand. Many more silent retreats followed in Thailand, Myanmar, India, and Germany. As I deepened my own practice, I trained as a yoga teacher and nutritionist. The revolution that has seized my own heart, I want to bring outward, so that we all may come closer to ourselves and each other and learn to lead a fulfilled life. I organize retreats and am grateful and humble for how many participants have made profound experiences, resolved issues, grown, healed, and became friends with me."

Elaha: "Everything you need to lead a fulfilled, peaceful, joyful life is already within you. Over 10 years ago, I embarked on a journey to experience my own healing processes on a physical, subtle, and soul level. Along this path, I was inspired by many teachings and ideas. I have been practicing yoga for 10 years and in 2015, I went on a yoga journey in Northern India, where I learned a lot about myself. I discovered meditation early on, which has been part of my daily practice for several years. In the jungles of South America, my love for nature, both my own and that surrounding me, gained a deeper dimension. In the rainforest of Peru, I learned shamanic rituals and a special way of life from the Shipibo tribe, which deepened my connection to myself and my surroundings. In the Colombian rainforest, I met the Kamitsa tribe, who further introduced me to the work with plant medicine. Three tools have come into my life that have brought me a lot of strength and healing. These play a significant role in my work. Ceremonial cacao, breath, and Ecstatic Dance. My work aims to bring body, mind, and soul into perfect harmony, to heal and to be continually enchanted by the wonderful world in all its facets."

Getting There

Hotel rooms at a glance

You will stay as a closed group in the seminar house, surrounded by heart-opening nature. Accommodation is in shared rooms (1-3 people), communal areas and outdoor spaces are available for use at any time. Accommodation at the campsite is available on request.

  • Multi-bed room

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Amun Retreat
Germany, Lower Bavaria, Unterdietfurt
Munich International Airport (MUC)
approx. 97 km / 76 min
Bhf. Eggenfelden
approx. 7 km / 8 min

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