5 Cozy Indoor Activities to Get You Through the Winter

5 Cozy Indoor Activities to Get You Through the Winter

You know, it’s just as you’re about to say goodbye to something that you realise you might just miss it, even if only a tiny bit. That’s why we’ve put together 5 activity ideas that will help you make the most of the winter weather, and all the excuses it gives you to stay cozy and hibernate inside. Check it out for some cozy ideas…?

5 Cozy Indoor Activities to Get You Through the Winter









5 Ideas for Cozy Activities You Can Do at Home

We’ve done it! Well, almost. We’ve survived the rain, the wind and the snow of winter’s coldest moments and spring is on the horizon. You know, it’s just as you’re about to say goodbye to something that you realise you might just miss it, even if only a tiny bit. That’s why we’ve put together 5 indoor activity ideas that will help you make the most of the winter weather, and all the excuses it gives you to stay cozy and hibernate inside.?

1.Try a new winter soup recipe

This warming, creamy Spinach and Coconut Ayurveda inspired soup is absolutely divine, especially when accompanied by some freshly baked bread. Click the link for the recipe! Or if you’d prefer a more traditional soup, why not try our hearty Autumn Potato Soup. No need to brave the cold on your way to a restaurant – you and your family can stay tucked up at home with a healthy, warming soup.

Check out our other recipes for more healthy ideas or follow our facebook page to be amongst the first to hear about our upcoming Ayurveda Cookbook.

2. Spa Day At Home ~ Pamper Session

Two glasses of sparkling white wine in front of warm fireplace. Part of a pamper session for an evening of indoor activities.Light a fire, choose some nice music to get the positive vibes flowing, maybe even start with a guided meditation that you can find free online, and then get pampering yourself. Or if you’re with a friend, pamper each other! Face masks, nail painting, special bath oils. Take your pick! You don’t even have to worry about the rain ruining your hair or makeup because you’re safe inside ? If you would like some more detailed ideas for your pamper session, see our other post especially on having a spa day at home.

3. Make a vision board!

Making a vision board is exactly the sort of activity that you want to do at the start of the year when it’s raining outside and your plans are just in the making, helping you to visualise and realise your goals. Some might say it’s just luck, others might say there’s no such thing as coincidence. Either way, it’s a fun indoor activity that you can do with children or even toddlers!

Take some old magazines, some scissors and a pin board, and look for pictures that correspond with things you would like to do this year. Think holidays, fitness goals, recipes you want to try, professional or academic goals. Cut the images out and pin them on. You can also add positive quotes, cards from loved ones (congratulations, postcards) or photos of your favourite memories, then every time you glance at the board you’ll feel happy. I also like to replace the images with my own photos as the year goes by and your dreams come true ?

Then, don’t stress about it, relax, even forget about it mostly. You don’t have to know exactly how you will reach these goals just yet, but every day when your eyes glance around the room your subconscious will be reminded of your “visions” and it will send hints to you on what actions to take to get there! For more inspiration take a look at our pinterest collection of vision boards and goal ideas.

Positive quote "so what if instead of thinking about solving your whole life" from Rainbow Rowell, an idea of something to put on your vision board, law of attraction













4. Read Grecian poetry (or poetry from the country you plan to visit)

Nothing like poetry conveys the spirit and mood of a place… If you want to escape from the rainy weather from the comfort of your home, why not delve into some poetry from afar? I have been a fan of Sappho for years, and even though the era in which she lived is long since passed (7th century BC), when I read how she describes the people, towns and wildlife of her island it makes me desperate to visit Greece and to experience the same climate that gave life to her lyric. In fact, if everything goes to plan, I’ll be exploring the Greek islands this summer, so this is something at the top of my vision board this year. ?Poem by Sappho The stars about the lovely moon. Wanderlust through poetry. Read poetry on an evening indoors, indoor activity

5. Watch a foreign film

Watching foreign films not only gives you a taste of different cultures and inspiration as you consider where to go on holiday next, but you also get a chance to practise your language listening skills. As lame as it sounds, there are so many places you can explore through your screen!

Paris in Fall, autumn. One indoor activity is a film night, stay cozy indoors at home whilst exploring foreign cities through film.











  • FRANCE: Amélie, Micmacs, Delicatessen, Jean de Florette
  • SPAIN: Pans Labyrinth
  • ITALY: La Vita e Bella

Alternatively, if you aren’t up to the language barrier, here are some Anglophone films set in other countries:

  • FRANCE: Midnight in paris
  • ITALY: Roman Holiday, Under the Tuscan Sun
  • ASIA: Eat, Pray, Love
  • GREECE: Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
  • EASTERN EUROPE: The Grand Budapest Hotel

These are just some of my favourites, but please share yours by writing in the comments below or on facebook.   Then we can help each other to enjoy a cozy night in at home whilst we wait for the spring to arrive!

SpaDreams at Instagram